Special Religious Education (SRE), also known as ‘Scripture,’ is the Board of Jewish Education’s largest educational program across NSW government schools. Board of Jewish Education teachers travel to nearly 60 schools across NSW to teach foundational Jewish knowledge in once-a-week SRE classes which are provided for free by the Board.
The program accommodates all backgrounds so that students can connect with Judaism in the way that works best for them and their family.
The Jewish Board of Education NSW is the sole authorised provider of Jewish Special Religious Education lessons and teachers in New South Wales government schools.
Frequently Asked Questions on the NSW Jewish Board of Education can be found here:
SRE Curriculum Years K-6 Scope and Sequence 30-40 minutes per week
The NSW Board of Jewish Education’s (BJE) curriculum is based on the Board of Studies KLAs across all curriculum areas. When planning the curriculum it is BJE’s intention to offer SRE complimentary to all other subjects offered throughout the school day. Therefore there are aspects of English, Math, HSIE, Science and Technology and Creative Arts woven throughout the SRE curriculum which is linked to the student’s Jewish identity and faith. The BJE curriculum is offered over a two year cycle which scaffolds the students learning linking this to their age and stage of development and is structured on a yearly program.
The BJE classes range from streamed to composite so the workbooks that are provided for each student is geared to promote as much leaning as possible with the teacher acting as the facilitator for that learning.
The curriculum is aimed to promote the following:
Knowledge: It is intended that student’s gain a deeper knowledge about the Jewish festivals, bible stories, Jewish symbols, Shabbat and prayer and have a connection to their heritage and culture.
Understanding: BJE assumes that students have little understanding so it scaffolds the learning to promote a deeper understanding of the Jewish culture and faith and its deep roots to the Torah (Old Testament).
Skills: Students will be encouraged to ask further questions and decipher what their connection to Judaism is. Further skills include problem solving, higher order thinking, self-awareness, empathy, decision making, social awareness, team building and co-operation, reading, writing, drawing and creating.
You may read the K-6 Scope and Sequence Curriculum
The Knowledge Centre is available here.
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