The Islamic Council of NSW (ICNSW) delivers scripture classes to NSW Primary Schools. The Australian National Imams Council (ANIC) provides delivery of Islamic scripture classes to Muslim students in NSW public high schools.
Kindergarten – Year 6
Term 1- “Allah and His Creation”
This term begins the year with important reminders to students about fundamental aspects of their faith. Concepts covered include Islamic creed and understanding the purpose of creation and developing a greater understanding of Islam as a global religion.
Students learn about Allah and His attributes, the purpose of life, the importance of ones intentions and the importance of gaining knowledge. Students will also receive work books with activities and coloring pages each week related to the topic.
Term 2- “Iman, Salah and Ramadan”
This term students are given a comprehensive overview of the “six pillars of iman”. These lessons provide students with a simple overview of the Islamic outlook and worldview.Topics covered include, the importance of Quran, Salah and the Holy month of Ramadan.
These lessons aim to develop a strong understanding of key creed concepts of the Islamic faith in students, in a simple manner by conveying to the students happiness, peace, generosity and kindness to others, the steps to gain stronger Iman, perform Salah regularly, regular Quranic recitation, the importance of gaining knowledge, having trust in Allah and of course remembering Allah.
Term 3- “Islam teaches me to care – Iman in action”.
This term students will understand how their strong faith in Allah can transform their lives practically. The lessons will teach students how to care for animals, the natural environment, their community, their school, their friends, their family and most importantly themselves. These lessons are aimed to inspire action in students as well as the desire to change themselves, their societies and communities for the better. Students will also be given practical advice on Eid al fitr.
Term 4- “Great women who cared – Iman in action”
This term students explore historical examples of great women in the Islamic tradition who espoused and lived the values and principles taught to students over the year. Through a storytelling format, students are introduced to amazing women who transformed their own lives as well as the lives of those around them. Students learn about the great achievements of these women in the fields of education, business, law, scholarship, family development, social development and activism. Students are to appreciate the great resilience and strength these women showed in the cause they believed in and appreciate that this emanated from the unshakable iman. Students are also taught about hajj and Eid al adha.
High School Curriculum Outline
Term 1- “Allah and His creation”
This term begins the year with a reflective and inspirational set of lessons. This term discusses the concept of Islamic creed, the oneness of God, Manners and Morals, the importance of gaining knowledge and being grateful. Lessons are delivered in an engaging and motivating style to encourage positive change and improvement in students.
Term 2 ” Prayer and Ramadan”
This term students learn how to develop a close and personal relationship with Allah through learning the concepts of divine love, worship, perseverance and reward. Students are introduced to these concepts through an examination of the rituals of salat, dua and sawm. These lessons aim at developing a strong and enriching bond between students and Allah. Students will also be given practical advice on Ramadan.
Term 3 ” Stories of the Prophets”
This term students begin an examination of lives of the great Prophets and Messengers sent by Allah to humanity. Prophets covered include Adam, Abraham, Nuh and Moses. Students are to appreciate the Divine purpose behind Prophets and how Prophethood transformed humanity. Students are to also appreciate the great chain of Prophets which began with Adam and ended with Muhammad. Students are to learn about the interconnectedness of the message all Prophets brought.
Term 4 “Great women who cared – Iman in action”
This term students explore historical examples of great women in the Islamic tradition who espoused and lived the values and principles of iman and Islam. Through a storytelling format, students are introduced to amazing women who transformed their own lives as well as the lives of those around them. Students learn about the great achievements of these women in the fields of education, business, law, scholarship, family development, social development and activism. Students are to appreciate the great resilience and strength these women showed in the cause they believed in and appreciate that this emanated from the unshakable iman. Students are also taught about hajj and Eid al adha.
Teaching resources (and video) are found on this page
Multifaith Education Australia follows the Wikipedia Manual of Style for Islam. Omission of honorifics is not deliberate nor intended to offend. It is simply a manual of style.
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