Privacy Policy

Multifaith Education Australia: Privacy Policy

Multifaith Education Australia deems an individual’s right to keep their personal information private very important. The Multifaith Education Australia Website is committed to protecting and maintaining the privacy, accuracy and security of your personal information.

Collection of information

We will only collect information that is relevant to our relationship with you. The information we collect will include contact details, and other personal details that are directly relevant to our relationship. We will collect this information directly from you; or if we use other sources, we will tell you what they are.

How we use your information

We will not share, sell or trade or otherwise disclose or reveal your personal information to any organisations or persons.

We will limit the use of your personal information to:

  • Contacting you, either by mail, email, facsimile, telephonically, or other electronic means for the purposes of disseminating information relating to the Multifaith Education Australia, including but not limited to any newsletters, and other such information; or
  • Carrying out our work which may include gathering membership information for management purposes, planning, research and analysis; or to
  • Fulfil our legal requirements (for example, disclosure to law enforcement agencies or the courts;)

Who will use your information

We will not share, sell or trade your personal information to any organisations or person.

Your information is secure

  • We will use up-to-date techniques and processes which meet certain minimum standards to ensure that your personal information is kept secure and confidential.
  • Only those persons who perform services on our behalf, and are authorised to handle your information, will have access to your personal information.
  • We will not retain any of your information for any longer than it is required by us.
  • We will, with your help, keep your personal information accurate, complete, and up-to-date.
  • You have access to your information
  • You can access the personal information we hold about you and request corrections.

Multifaith Education Australia is bound by the National Privacy Principles for the handling of personal information. To find out more about the National Privacy Principles, contact the Federal Privacy Commissioner, located in the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

Terms and Conditions

Multifaith Education Australia: Terms and conditions for use of

Users of the site will agree to not use available personal information of other users for the purpose of direct marketing or commercial solicitation.

This section refers to content that users write, post or otherwise enter into the site

The Multifaith Education Australia website may in future have several areas where you may be invited to contribute comment including (but not limited to) Forums, Community Noticeboards, Events. We welcome contributions along with frank and open discussion; However, to prevent offensive, abusive or defamatory comments, we ask that you abide by the following terms and conditions for this site.

Any comments found by the site administrators to be offensive, abusive or defamatory will be removed without notice. If you find that a comment left by a user is offensive, abusive or defamatory, please contact us with a link to the comment and the site administrators will consider whether the material needs to be removed or edited.

Our rights

1. We retain the right and discretion (but not the obligation) to edit, delete, reject or remove any comment which you post or seek to post in the comments areas.

2. We retain the right and discretion to terminate your access to the comments areas if we believe you are abusing the services in any way, or have breached these terms and conditions.

Your obligations

1. You will not post any comments or material in the comments which is (or could be reasonably expected to be

a) obscene, offensive, pornographic, vulgar, profane, indecent or illegal

b) defamatory of any person

c) racially or religiously vilifying, inciting violence or hatred, is likely to offend, insult or humiliate others based on race, religion, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation or any physical or mental disability

d) which you know or suspect (or ought reasonably to have known or suspected) to be false, misleading or deceptive.

2. You will not use the Forum or Community Noticeboard areas for the purpose of:

a) advertising, promoting or soliciting any goods or services, or otherwise engaging in trade or commerce (you may do this in the Community Notice Board if it relates to Multifaith or Interfaith Events)

b) providing any financial advice, or advice of any kind in relation to any financial product.

c) procuring information for the purpose of direct marketing to other users of the site, Forum or Community Noticeboard.


1. The views which are expressed in the comments areas are not the views of Multifaith Education Australia nor that of Religions for Peace Australia, National Excecutive nor Victoria Branch unless otherwise stated, and we accept no liability in respect of any material posted in the comments areas, nor are we responsible for its content and accuracy.

2. Any reliance you place on material posted in the comments areas is done so at your own risk.


1. You agree to fully indemnify and hold harmless Multifaith Education Australia and and against any liabilities, claims, costs, loss (including consequential loss) or damage suffered or caused by reason of your reliance on any material posted in the comments areas.

2. You agree to fully indemnify and hold harmless Multifaith Education Australia and Religions for Peace Australia (Victoria Branch) and against any liabilities, claims, costs, loss (including consequential loss) or damage incurred as a result of any material you post in the comments areas, or as a result of any breach by you of these terms and conditions.

3. Notwithstanding any indemnity provided by you under these terms and conditions, Religions for Peace Australia and Multifaith Education Australia and retain the right to assume the conduct of any defence to a claim brought against them, and of any proceeding or appeal issued by them, and you agree to provide all reasonable cooperation (including by making available relevant documents) that Religions for Peace Australia and/or Multifaith Education Australia and may require from you in relation to any such claim, proceeding or appeal.

Governing law

1. These terms and conditions shall be construed and applied in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Australia, and you consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Australia and its various jurisdictions and Courts to determine any matter or dispute which arises under these terms and conditions in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Australia.

Hinduism Resources

Ganesha in procession and traffic

On this page you will find resources related to Hinduism

Australian Material

Hindu Association of Western Australia: Culture and Religion Sheet (PDF)

Hinduism: Teacher’s notes and background information (Draft, DEET NSW; PDF File)

Humanities and Social Sciences / History / Year 7 / Historical Knowledge and Understanding / The Asian world / India: Australian Curriculum Site


Golden Nataraja, the Dancing God of Creation, Preservation, Destuction