Racial Justice, Equality and Diversity in Sacred Scripture

Racial Justice, Equality and Diversity in Sacred ScriptureRacial Justice, Equality and Diversity in Sacred Scripture is prepared by the Education Service of the Diocese of Westminster, UK. It provides biblical expositions to illustrate that God does not discriminate: each person is equally called and valued and no-one can escape his infinite love and mercy. He is also fair and unbiased, protecting his people, especially those who are disadvantaged or suffering. Christian in focus, it is a useful adjunct to diversity, equality and racism studies.

Throughout human history, people have not always obeyed God’s law of love but have used race and ethnicity to differentiate themselves from others. Instead of recognising the image of God in one another, people have elevated their racial and ethnic group over others and this has led to violence, suffering and great injustice.

The purpose of this document is to make it clear that in Sacred Scripture God does not represent or justify racism or ethnocentrism of any kind. He created each human being in his own image and sent Jesus to redeem all people. Christ calls his Church (the people of God) to act impartially and reflect the diversity of heaven in both its membership as well as its mission to the nations.

This document is split into several sections:
1. What does the Bible say about race?
2. What does the Bible say about justice?
3. What does the Bible say about equality?
4. What does the Bible say about diversity?

Each of these areas include direct quotations from Sacred Scripture, although none of the lists are exhaustive, as it is hoped that these will act as a springboard for research or stimulus for conversations with pupils so that they can then take actions for racial justice, equality and diversity. There are also some links to Bible stories which can be followed up in more detail. At the back of the document, the reference list is included and these links might offer further support for research.

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