Stories of the Stolen Generations

A new interactive website developed by the Australian Human Rights Commission, featuring personal stories from members of the Stolen Generations, will help schoolchildren around the country understand the spiritual and social impacts of the forced removal of children from their families.


As we know, teaching Indigenous content in schools is particularly important, not just for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children who need to see their culture respected and valued in the classroom; but equally for all children to learn the true history of this country

“It is through telling these stories that our families might begin to heal, and that all Australians might begin to understand how our past is so intimately connected to our future,” said the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, June Oscar.

“The website features information about the Bringing them Home report and personal stories from members of the Stolen Generations and their families in an engaging and accessible way,” she said.

The website and resources have been produced in partnership with the peak body, Aboriginal Child, Family and Community Care State Secretariat or AbSec.

The new website is at



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