Victorian (VCE) Resources

VCE Texts and Traditions

Scope of study

The study of VCE Texts and Traditions considers the place and meaning of sacred texts within their religious traditions. In an attempt to understand the intended meaning of the texts, the study focuses on the original contexts of sacred texts and examines their literary characteristics. The study encompasses texts from the Christian, Islamic and Jewish traditions.

A range of methods exists for interpreting sacred texts and exploring their intended meaning. VCE Texts and Traditions focuses on sociocultural, historical and literary methods of criticism. The process of searching for, and giving expression to, the meaning of sacred text is called exegesis.

You can find more VCE Texts and Traditions curriculum guides here:

VCE Religion and Society

Scope of study

The beliefs, practices, principles and codes of religions provide ways in which individuals can answer questions about the meaning and purpose of life. In Religion and Society, religion is defined as a community organised around beliefs related to ultimate reality and the consequent beliefs, practices, principles and codes for behaviour. Adherence to particular beliefs, practices, principles and codes can form an important part of individual identity. They can determine membership of the religion and the transmission of meaning, both individual and collective, from generation to generation. Within each religious tradition, groups and individuals exhibit diversity of commitment and belief; some people do not identify with the generalised portrayal of their religious tradition, whereas others become strict adherents.

Religious traditions develop and evolve over time through the participation and contribution of members and through interactions with society. Throughout history, religion and society have interacted with each other in broad ways in response to a range of important issues. Some religious traditions continue to thrive while others have declined, disappeared or parts of them have been assimilated into other religions, which allow their ideas to live on in some form. New religious movements can develop into religious traditions.

In VCE Religion and Society, students undertake a general study of religion and its interaction with society in the past and the present. They study specific religious traditions or denominations in societies where multiple worldviews coexist and consider individual experiences of members as they engage with their religion. This study respects and encourages an open and objective inquiry, without partiality towards any one religion.

You can find more VCE Religion and Society curriculum guides here:

Comparing Religion and Non-religion